Menu Item
Open As | Open and parse an existing file |
Gaussian G03 gjf
Open Gaussian input file
Gaussian G03 Output
Open Gaussian output file |
Geometry from G03 cube | Extract geometry from the Gaussian cube file |
Gaussian G03 Fragment | Open Gaussian fragment file (used by GaussView) |
GAMESS input | Open GAMESS or PC GAMESS input file |
GAMESS output | Open GAMESS or PC GAMESS output file |
Mopac Input File | Open Mopac input file |
Mopac Output File | Open Mopac output file |
Mopac2002 Log File | Open Mopac2002 log file |
Custom Jamberoo format |
XMol XYZ File | Open XMol XYZ File |
MDL Molfile file | Open MDL Molfile file |
Gromacs coordinate file | Gromacs .gro file |
Amber prmtop file | Open Amber prmtop file |
VASP poscar file | Open VASP poscar file |
QChem Input File | Open QChem Input File |
QChem Output File | Open QChem Output File |
Save as | Saves the molecule currently loaded in the editor with a name you provide using a submenu of available molecular formats |
Exit | Exit program |
Send all questions, suggestions and comments to Vlad (
Dr. Vladislav Vasilyev
Supercomputer Facility,
The Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT, 0200, Australia